
Transport vehicles

In this Shopart gallery are grouped paintings and photographs of the author that depict means of transport and locomotion. Artists of all ages have painted the means of transportation of their time. Sometimes just to underline the fragility of man's vehicles in front of the imposing nature as in the painting of the boat in the stormy sea of Vincent Van Gogh and other times, instead, to simply represent a boat trip as in the famous Edward Hopper painting Ground Swell. Famous paintings, posters and reproductions on canvas and board to make the walls of the house unique.

Transport vehicles

In this Shopart gallery are grouped paintings and photographs of the author that depict means of transport and locomotion. Artists of all ages have painted the means of transportation of their time. Sometimes just to underline the fragility of man's vehicles in front of the imposing nature as in the painting of the boat in the stormy sea of Vincent Van Gogh and other times, instead, to simply represent a boat trip as in the famous Edward Hopper painting Ground Swell. Famous paintings, posters and reproductions on canvas and board to make the walls of the house unique.

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